Chief Anthony Campo Wikipedia: Age Wife & Salary - Keith Pool KKK Accusations

Chief Anthony Campo Wikipedia: Age Wife & Salary - Keith Pool KKK Accusations

Chief Anthony Campo Wikipedia: Age Wife & Salary - Keith Pool KKK Accusations

 Is Anthony Campo a person that appears on Wikipedia? Continue reading to learn all there is to know about the former Sheffield police chief.

Previously, Anthony Campo served as police chief of the Sheffield Lake Police Department.

Earlier this year, Keith Pool came out about the KKK allegations levelled against him by Anthony. Despite the fact that the former head said he was just making light of the issue, the matter has taken a very serious turn.

Anthony Campo's Biographical Information and Salary

Antony Campo, who used to serve as the head of the Sheffield Lake Police Department, is still listed as a contributor on Wikipedia.

He has been with the department for more than 33 years. His age and educational credentials, among other things, have remained a closely guarded secret.

Antony's compensation as the head of the Sheffield Lake Police Department was most likely between $105,400 and $118,400 per year. That's what the evidence indicates, but it's not what the government says.

Wife of Anthony Campo

Anthony Campo was never open about his relationship with his wife or his married life.

Anthony Campo, the police chief of Sheffield Lake, Ohio.

'It was extremely humiliating,' said a White police chief of placing a KKK message on the coat of a Black cop. https://t.co/VaBTW1g0Dl

— David E. Rovella (@DavidRovella) on November 12, 2021 on Twitter

Some accounts, on the other hand, imply that the former police chief was in fact married. Furthermore, he is facing allegations of domestic abuse against his first wife. His actions were described as beating her and verbally abusing her, according to reports.

Despite this, there isn't enough proof to back up the assertions.

KKK Accusations Leveled Against Anthony Campo and Keith Pool

A phrase KKK (Ku Klux Klan) was written on the back of Keith Pool's raincoat by Anthony Campo, the former police chief of the Sheffield Lake Police Department. Keith Pool is an African-American officer.

As a result, when an officer approached the chief with his concerns, the chief simply constructed a paper cone-shaped hat, similar to those used by Klansmen, and put it on his head.

The event that occurred on June 25, 2021 did not get widespread notice until Keith came out about it publicly on November 12, 2021. The victim was the department's first black officer when he was hired, which made things substantially more problematic in an era when the United States is waging a war against prejudice.

In addition, Keith's attorneys were able to get a video of the event after submitting a public records request. Later, the officer went to the Ohio Supreme Court and requested that Campo's personnel records be released in their entirety. The officer was successful, and the officer was awarded damages for discrimination. Besides that, he filed a formal complaint against the police department for failing to prevent the discriminatory behaviour of the then-police chief from continuing.

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission has been notified that Sheffield Lake Police Officer Keith Pool has filed a discrimination complaint with the agency after Chief Campo Anthony was seen on film writing the words "Ku Klux Klan" on Pool's raincoat in June. pic.twitter.com/Oz3hVAo9nB

— TheSadTruth et al.