Who Is Rosie Mattio? Bodybuilder Age And Wikipedia Details - Net Worth
Rosie Mattio, owner of Mattio Communications, is well-known for her cannabis-infused exercise trials. Continue reading to find more about her in this article.
Rosie Mattio is the founder and CEO of Greenmarket Report's top-ranked cannabis public relations firm. She is a strategic force, an industry connector, and a thought leader.
Additionally, Rosie recently made headlines after winning a fitness challenge. She abstained from alcohol and began consuming marijuana, which she believes assisted her in winning the event.
Her business has developed in lockstep with the sector over the past year, adding marketing and communications services for customers.
Additionally, her organisation offers services such as public relations, social media marketing, SEO, event organising, and influencer marketing.
Rosie Mattio has received several awards over her career.
What Is Rosie Mattio's Background?
Rosie Mattio is an entrepreneur and fitness fanatic. She owns a marketing business.
She has been making news since she won the current fitness challenge. Her endeavour has garnered much notice. During her presidency, she made the switch from alcohol to cannabis.
She said that she smoked marijuana rather than drink alcohol in order to avoid the calories in the beverage and get a better night's sleep. Her pick proved to be right, as she earned first place in the event.
Rosie Mattio has spent her leisure time to exercising for the last seven years.
She wakes up at 4:30 a.m. six days a week to lift weights and run, all while managing time with her four daughters and work at her marketing agency.
She decided to test cannabis while preparation for a bodybuilding competition in January, and the results were favourable.
Mattio won her Florida tournament, and she told Insider that she credits her success to her choice to abstain from alcohol in favour of cannabis.
The Rosie Mattio Bodybuilder's Age And Wikipedia Page Have Been Examined
Rosie Mattio is now 40 years old. She has not, however, given her date of birth to the media or the general public.
She grew up in the Bronx.
Similarly, the bodybuilder's biography has not yet been added to the official Wikipedia page.
However, there are other places, like ours, where you may read Rosie's biography.
Rosie began her career with Alison Brod Public Relations and afterwards worked at Rubenstein Associates.
She earned a degree in Public Relations/Image Management from Boston University.
Additionally, she advertised for a variety of clients in the technology and food and beverage sectors before to entering the cannabis business. In 2004, she founded RMPR as a one-woman public relations firm.
The Rosie Mattio Net Worth Is Revealed
Rosie Mattio's net worth is believed to be in the millions. Her net worth is estimated to be in the neighbourhood of $70 million.
She is the CEO and owner of Mattio Communications, which she created in 2005.
Mattio Communications is a cannabis industry specialist that provides a full spectrum of public relations and marketing services.
It focuses on the cannabis industry's cultivation, production, financing, technology, and associated services.
She has a long-standing enthusiasm for exercise, which she leverages to supplement her firm's revenues.